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Welcome to the new Palouse School District Curriculum web page.  Here you will find information regarding the history of Common Core, the current work being done with Common Core around the country, and ideas/possibilities regarding how Common Core will be implemented in the Palouse School District.  Please know that you are welcome to contact me at any time regarding any questions you may have.  If I don't already have the answer, I promise we will find it together!  Again, welcome to the site, and happy reading!    D*
KEY to commonly used acronyms:
   CCSS - Common Core State Standards
   OSPI - Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (in Olympia)
   TPEP - Teacher and Principal Evaluation Project
   SBAC - Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium
   ASCD - Assoc. of School Curriculum Directors
 “The [Common Core State] standards establish clear and consistent goals for learning that will prepare America’s 
children for success in college and work.”1 This is the aspiration behind the newly developed and adopted Common 
Core State Standards (CCSS). Soon, rigorous content will be taught throughout elementary, middle and high school, 
with a focus on how to apply this knowledge. Doing so will equip students from every walk of life to compete with 
their peers in top-performing countries.   ("Achieve" COMMON CORE IMPLEMENTATION WORKBOOK )
    1  National Governors Association and Council for Chief State School Officers (2010). Press release, June 2.
 Common Core State Standards History

Approximately one year after setting out to establish Common Core State Standards (CCSS), the two organizations spearheading this broad education reform effort—the Council of Chief State School Officers and the National Governors Association— unveiled standards for two content areas: mathematics and English language arts (ELA). The journey from concept to actuality is traced in the history below.

  • In July 2009, work groups and feedback groups composed of representatives from higher education, K–12 education, and the research community began work on standards in mathematics and ELA. Also at this time, a draft of the College and Career Ready Standards were released. Feedback was solicited from a wide range of stakeholders, including educators, administrators, community and parent organizations, higher education representatives, the business community, researchers, civil rights groups, and states.
  • In September 2009 the Validation Committee was announced. This 25-member committee of leading figures in the education standards community was charged with providing independent, expert validation of the process. The group met in December 2009, April 2010, and May of 2010.
  • In November 2009 the first draft of CCSS grade-level standards was released to states. This was a very rough draft with many sections still in the early stages of development. After comment from the states, two other drafts followed, with conference calls held to obtain verbal feedback. Many states still had concerns, but were pleased with the response to their previous feedback. A few states conducted additional focus groups at this time.
  • On March 10, 2010, the first public draft of Common Core State Standards was released. Public feedback was collected through April 2, 2010. The states were afforded two more opportunities to give feedback before the final standards were released.
  • Unformatted drafts of the ELA and mathematics standards were released on May 14 and May 26, respectively. States received the final release on June 1, 2010, one day prior to the public release of the final CCSS.
  • On June 2, 2010, the final version of the CCSS was released to the public. Also in June, the Validation Committee published its final report, stating:
    “Unlike past standards setting efforts, the Common Core State Standards are based on best practices in national and international education, as well as research and input from numerous sources … The Common Core State Standards represent what American students need to know and do to be successful in college and careers. Once the standards are adopted and implemented, states will determine how best to measure and hold students accountable for meeting these standards.”   (excerpt from "Education Northwest")
 After studying and scrutinizing the CCSS for another 13 months, Washington State Superintendent Randy Dorn adopted the Common Core Standards for our state in July 2011.   The work at the state level since then has been intense and productive.  A plethora of information is available at  websites sponsored by OPSI, ASCD, Achieve, and more.
For more information contact the Principal at Garfield-Palouse High School